Monday, December 30, 2013


Christmas has come and gone once again (Wish I could say the same about those extra pounds I’ve gained this season!!(sigh!!)
Everything about Christmas was as perfect as can be! With gifts exchanged, mammoth glugs of wine consumed, endless chatter and over-rated squabble for the last piece of  minced pies-Yes,it was indeed rejuvenating in every possible way!
And guess what!!!
My chocolate Eggnog  was declared to be an absolute winner at this year’s Christmas party!
Well My mum of course vehemently opposed the concept of “chocolatifying” the quintessential eggnog(she considers it as an absolute crime!!)Nevertheless this recipe is definitely worth a try!

3 Egg Yolks
3 Tbs Demerara Sugar
6 Tbs Cognac(Optional)
½ Cup Milk
½ Cup Thick Cream
1tsp Vanilla Essence
100gms  Dark Chocolate
Grated Nutmeg
Mix the yolks, alcohol and sugar in a large bowl .Move the bowl to a simmering water bath and whisk the mix continuously until it turns thick and frothy. Blend in the melted dark chocolate as well. Remove the bowl from the water bath and once the mix is cooled add the milk, cream and vanilla whisking until you get a frothy mix. Sprinkle the nutmeg on top of each serving for flavour.
Your eggnog is now ready to be served!!  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tree time rhyme !

I lay by warmth of my cushion
With the radio jingling afar
And I smiled at the glance of my Christmas tree
My very own personal north star!!

As the first day Christmas
Beckons away to me
There lay my partridge
On my pear (-ish) tree!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

From London with Love

From  London with Love:)

Tick tock tick:d one more week and its  Christmas all over again!!Yaaaay!!!
Absolutely loving the Christmas song by Leona lewisJ
I've got 5 more nights of sleeping on my own
4 more days until you're coming home
3 more dreams of you and mistletoe
2 more reasons why I love you so
I've got 5 more nights until you're next to me
4 more days of being lonely
3 more wishes I can barely breathe
If I can make it to Christmas Eve then it'
Heart warming is the word!!! For those of you who haven’t heard it yet, you could check out the song at:          

 One More Sleep(click me)
Can’t wait to sport my reindeer sweater (I don’t think I can wait till the 25th:D)
Talking about sport, London has been on top of my list!!! When it comes to Christmas, the city literally bursts with Christmas cheer, beer and parties!!!!It’s just ssmaaazingggg!!
Kevin and I had a jolly good time visiting the South Bank Christmas Market over the weekend!
Carousels ,German Beer, Apple Strudels ,Cinnamon Roll ,Crystal decorations, Salmon flaked pies  and loads and loads of chocolates(gasp!! ) .It was the weightwatchers nightmare as Kevin would put it and as for me ,I could stay there like  - FOREVER:D .One picture wouldn’t do justice to London as it was .Hence a collage-a sneak peak capturing the mesmerizing sport of Christmas.

From London with Love

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mulled Wine Baby!!!

With all your Christmas cards posted ,turkeys  and geese ordered,  the tree trimmed to perfection and the advent calendar  promising a Christmas  that’s  fast approaching ,lets  get our hands dirty and sprits’ elated!!Hurrah  its MulledWine time!!!!
 Here’s  my recipe, I’ve tweaked  it a bit J
1 bottleRed Wine
200gms Icing Sugar
1 Clementine
4-5 Cloves
 1 Cinnamon Stick
2 Bay Leaves
1 Chilli
 Mint leaves
4-5 Staranise

Melt the sugar in a large pan, add the spices and the zest of the Clementine and lime. Add a couple of slices of the Clementine  for  extra flavour. I added  few slices of chilli and  fresh mint leaves .Once the mix simmers add the wine until its warm.
PS: Now if you want to give this as a cocktail ,i tried making staranise and mint ice cubes(A winner for sure at you party!!!),you can maybe add a bit of soda as well to give it a fizz.
PSS: Well you can maybe try making Glogg this time(the Swedish twin of mulledWine),the recipe is pretty much the same, with extra raisins, fig and almonds.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

There's something about coffee

“No matter what historians claimed, BC really stood for "Before Coffee”.
The quote that made me smile, and that might be true with a possibility that I’d place my bets on, any day. Ask me and I’d say the media has established it, for whether there’s a knot to be tied in holy matrimony or justice to be administered, a murder to be plotted or a heart to be bypassed, a subtle thread of caffeine has managed to ease is way into celluloid and on to the screen.
Though we rarely tend to notice the latte by the side of the desk or Starbucks in the background, (coffee-lover or not), Coffee has grown to be part of our system, our surroundings and our vocabulary. Closely accompanied by the proverbial ‘Tea’, this beverage has earned its name and fame as a social lubricant, sporting a mood lift and a snooze kill.
For me there is nothing better than my early morning coffee, which sets my tone for the day, whether creamy, frothy(bleh), bitter or sweet.

And as for my favorite superhero? Captain Cappuccino all the way!

Ps: I’m craving for coffee, so had to jot! Uploading pics of recipes I’ve tried out once I hit base after weekend travel:D 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Frosty makes a show!

And just like that I tried out some crochet, my own personalized snowman,
for all the frosty I could darn.
I’ve assembled the process into a border collage, (happy with the feat!JJ).
Mail away for tips or suggestions, to or fromJJ.