Friday, January 17, 2014

Getting Started!!!!!!!

Well I did find Kevin lost In a pool of leaflets and pamphlets a couple of days  back and   from the corner of my eye I did catch the word gym and health clubs :D , then came the Grocery Order, Salad Greens that included wild  Peppery  water cress and rockets, was a definite surprise , it would be a safe proposition to conclude that  our fridge had definitely  gone a shade of green  and of course the low fat yoghurt had replaced our customary luxurious yoghurt-Ahaaaa !!!

2014,this is definitely the year of getting into shape, The year when many of us are going to fit into those magical smaller sized clothes(from whatever higher  digit to a whatever lower digit),With just few weeks into the  new year ,and weight loss being featured as primary Uno in most of our new year resolves, let’s keep the pace going  and  Yes,  let’s make it happen.

BY now in our quest for all the number crunching, we would have enrolled into a whole bunch of crazy things ranging from  zumba  to hot yoga and being the dabblers and the doers- WE just want to endorse our whole hearted support in your weight loss journey-We promise to be your cheer leaders and motivators, giving you the little nudge for the extra mile
So as this year promises amazing things ,we’ve compiled you a song list to help you as you work your magic at the treadmill or shed a sweat or two at the workbench or maybe even cause heads turn your way as you show those nasty dumbbells who the real boss is:)

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