Monday, December 30, 2013


Christmas has come and gone once again (Wish I could say the same about those extra pounds I’ve gained this season!!(sigh!!)
Everything about Christmas was as perfect as can be! With gifts exchanged, mammoth glugs of wine consumed, endless chatter and over-rated squabble for the last piece of  minced pies-Yes,it was indeed rejuvenating in every possible way!
And guess what!!!
My chocolate Eggnog  was declared to be an absolute winner at this year’s Christmas party!
Well My mum of course vehemently opposed the concept of “chocolatifying” the quintessential eggnog(she considers it as an absolute crime!!)Nevertheless this recipe is definitely worth a try!

3 Egg Yolks
3 Tbs Demerara Sugar
6 Tbs Cognac(Optional)
½ Cup Milk
½ Cup Thick Cream
1tsp Vanilla Essence
100gms  Dark Chocolate
Grated Nutmeg
Mix the yolks, alcohol and sugar in a large bowl .Move the bowl to a simmering water bath and whisk the mix continuously until it turns thick and frothy. Blend in the melted dark chocolate as well. Remove the bowl from the water bath and once the mix is cooled add the milk, cream and vanilla whisking until you get a frothy mix. Sprinkle the nutmeg on top of each serving for flavour.
Your eggnog is now ready to be served!!  

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